
The number one benefit of living in an apartment/flat is the financial aspect of renting. Rent is generally cheaper than a mortgage. In addition to an overall lower monthly payment, other financial components such as upkeep and utilities are generally lower because of the smaller space and the overall responsibility of a landlord/owner versus a tenant.


As discussed in the financial benefits, maintenance expenses are generally lower due to responsibility generally falling on landlord/owner.  Not only is the lack of maintenance worries a financial blessing, but it’s also a check off the “Things to Do” list.  When it snows, no need to shovel, when the lawn looks a little rugged, it’s not your concern – Maintenance will take care of those things. 


Unlike houses, flats complexes are generally built with specific amenities such as gym,pool,parking, convenience stores and laundry facilities directly on the premises.  Although you could always have these elements built into your home, the financial obligation is not as rewarding apartment/flat living can prove to be a very comfortable living.


Safety is one of the important things we can't ignore. Although homeowners often invest in some CCTV in form of home security system. apartments/Flats also invest in the overall safety of its residents and safety measures prove that multi-unit dwellings are the safest locations for single women, children, families and the elderly.


Apartments/Flats proportions are, simply put, convenient.  A newly graduated college student is generally looking for a place to call home; a living room, bedroom, bathroom and maybe a kitchen for show.  It just needs to feel safe.This same basic need is apparent in most people, college kids, single women, bachelors and even friends who chose to live as roommates.

Lower Responsibility

So far we have discussed money savings from rent, lack of need to maintain the property and, well, that’s it.  The lack of need to maintain property is not only a financial windfall but also a stress reliever.  Home ownership comes with a lot of  issues and headaches and deciding to rent will help you avoid these types of problems.


One of the best things about an apartment/flat complex is the close proximity of anything you need.  Shopping center locations are typically chosen by the overall demographic of a community. Shopping Complex increases as much as the larger the need for the shopping center.

Overall, apartments flats are perfect for anyone who wants a place to live. Considering the financial advantage of renting and the many underlying benefits that result, apartment rentals are a great choice for a great home.


It is Parallel to buying a home, apartment rentals make great short-term options.  Deciding to buy a home is a life long dream but you have to live somewhere while you prepare to make that dream come true.  Whether you are working on credit, saving money or mentally preparing for the responsibility of owning a home, an apartment is the best option.